On this page, you will learn the names of more than 40 jobs and occupations in Moroccan Arabic.
Note that all the words in the table are in the masculine form.
To obtain them in the feminine form, brush up on your grammar skills with the feminine lesson in Moroccan Arabic.
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English | Transcribed Moroccan Arabic | Moroccan Darija in Arabic Letters |
Accountant | Mo7asib | محاسب |
Actor | Momettil | ممتل |
Architect | Mohendis mi3mari | مهندس معماري |
Butcher | Gezzar | گزار |
Carpenter | Nejjar | نجار |
Cashier | Kisyi | كيسيي |
Cook | Tebbakh | طباخ |
Dentist | Tebib essenan | طبيب السنان |
Director | Modir | مدير |
Doctor | Tebib | طبيب |
Driver | Shifor | شيفور |
Electrician | Trisyan | تريسيان |
Employee | Mowaddaf | موضف |
Engineer | Mohendis | مهندس |
Farmer | Fella7 | فلاح |
Gendarme | Jadarmi | جدارمي |
Grocer | Moul l7anout | مول لحانوت |
Guardian | 3essas | عساس |
Hairdresser | 7ellaq | حلاق |
Inspector | Mofettish | مفتش |
Journalist | Sa7afi | صحافي |
Judge | Qadi | قاضي |
Lawyer | Mo7ami | محامي |
Mechanic | Mikanisian | ميكانيسيان |
Nurse | Fermli | فرملي |
Painter | Ressam | رسام |
Pilot | Pilote | پيلوط |
Plumber | Ploumbi | پلومبي |
Policeman | Bolisi | بوليسي |
Professor | Ostad | أستاد |
Psychologist | Tebib nafsi | طبيب نفسي |
Researcher | Ba7et | باحت |
Secretary | sikritir | سيكريتير |
Shoemaker | Kherraz | خراز |
Singer | Moghenni | مغني |
Soldier | 3eskri | عسكري |
Student | Talib | طالب |
Tailor | Khiyyat | خياط |
Teacher (primary school) | Mo3llim | معلم |
Translator | Moterjim | مترجم |
Waiter | Serbay | سرباي |
Writer | Katib | كاتب |
Learn more vocabulary from our other Moroccan Arabic vocabulary lists.
Also, don’t forget to check out our selections of useful Moroccan Arabic phrases.
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