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In this lesson, you will learn how to use possessive suffixes in Moroccan Arabic.
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Possessive suffixes in Moroccan Arabic

Houda Ghazali

To express possession, you only add the appropriate endings to the word:

My = î

Your (s.) = k

His = ô

Her = hâ

Our = nâ

Your (p.) = kom

Their = hom


Book = Ktâb

English Darija in Transcription Darija in the Arabic Script
My book Ktâbî كْتابي
Your book (s.) Ktâbk كْتابك
His book Ktâbô كْتابو
Her book Ktâbhâ كْتابها
Our book Ktâbnâ كْتابنا
Your book (p.) Ktâbkom كْتابكم
Their book Ktâbhom كْتابهم

For words ending with (a) -generally feminine words- you take away the (a), replace it with (t) and apply the same endings.

Basically, that (a) is referring to the silent (t) we have in standard Arabic, and in the Arabic script.


School = Mdrasa

English Darija in Transcription Darija in the Arabic Script
My school Mdrastî مدرستي
Your school (s.) Mdrastk مدرستك
His school Mdrasto مدرستو
Her school Mdrast-hâ* مدرستها
Our school Mdrastnâ مدرستنا
Your school (p.) Mdrastkom مدرستكم
Their school Mdrast-hom مدرستهم

*Reminder: The dash (-) is used not to mix up the letters t and h that must be pronounced separately, and not such as a th.

These endings can be slightly changed when the word ends with another vowel, other than the (a) of feminine words. Especially for the endings of (my) and (his) that become (ya) and (h)


My mother = mâmâ مامايا, or just mâmâ ماما (no need to add any ending)

His mother = mâmâh ماماه

My brother = khô خويا

His brother = khôh خوه

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