On this page, we have listed the names of a total of 50 fruits and vegetables in Moroccan Arabic.
You can find other food vocabulary in Moroccan Arabic over here.
Hopefully the two vocabulary lists will help with either your cooking or dining experiences in Morocco.
Don’t forget to check out our lists of useful Moroccan Arabic phrases.
And also our diversified lists of Moroccan Arabic vocabulary.
English | Transcribed Moroccan Arabic | Moroccan Darija in Arabic Letters |
Apple | Teffa7 | تفاح |
Apricot | Meshmash | مشماش |
Artichoke | Khershouf | خرشوف |
Avocado | Lavoka | لاڤوكا |
Banana | Banan | بنان |
Beets / Beetroots | Barba | باربا |
Bell peppers | Felfela 7lowwa | فلفلة حلوة |
Broccoli | Brokoli | بروكولي |
Cabbage | Mkewwer | مكور |
Carrots | Khizzo | خيزو |
Cauliflower | Shoufla | شوفلا |
Celery | Krafes | كرافس |
Chili pepper | Felfela 7arra | فلفلة حارة |
Coriander | Qezbour | قزبور |
Corn | Dra | درا |
Cucumber | Khiar | خيار |
Eggplant | Denjan | دنجان |
Figs | Kermous | كرموس |
Garlic | Touma | توما |
Grapes | 3neb | عنب |
Green beans | Loubia khedra | لوبيا خضرة |
Green peas | Jelbana | جلبانة |
Kiwi | Kiwi | كيوي |
Leek | Pwarro | پوارو |
Lemon | 7amed | حامض |
Lettuce | Khoss | خس |
Mandarin | Mandarine | مندرين |
Mango | Manga | مانكَا |
Melon | Swihla | سويهلة |
Mint | Ne3na3 | نعناع |
Olives | Zitoun | زيتون |
Onions | Besla | بصلة |
Oranges | Limoun | ليمون |
Parsley | Me3dnous | معدنوس |
Peaches | Khoukh | خوخ |
Pear | Bo3wid | بوعويد |
Pineapple | Ananas | أناناس |
Plums | Berqouq | برقوق |
Pomegranate | Remman | رمان |
Potatoes | Btata | بطاطا |
Prickly pears | Hendia | هندية |
Pumpkin | Ger3a | ڭرعة |
Radish | Fjel | فجل |
Raisins | Zbib | زبيب |
Strawberry | Friz | فريز |
Tomatoes | Matisha | ماطيشة |
Turnip | Left | لفت |
Watermelon | Della7 | دلاح |
Yam | Btata 7lowwa | بطاطا حلوة |
Zucchini | Kourjit | كورجيت |
You can continue with other Speak Moroccan materials in “Moroccan Arabic – Unit 2”.
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